Monday 30 July 2012

Oasis Goes Otome


There are few things more endearing in fashion than a cute whimsical print on delicately girlish clothes. Oasis' latest collection, London Love Letters is a perfect example of this, with a sweet, feminine print that also celebrates the great city of London in our jubilant year 2012. Scenes of the architecture of the city, on postcards or as street scenes are set against Summery ice-cream colours of muted mint, beige and shocking pink.

I love (and indeed now own) the vintage postcard dress. The crepe-like feel of the material is great for the hot days we've been having recently and it doesn't half get you in the mood for lazy days lying in one of London's many green parks.

☆OASIS x .....MILK?☆

There is another very different side though to this collection that I love. It channels the Japanese Otome style of MILK and Emily Temple Cute like no other collection in any British store has done before, and would work wonderfully in an Otome coordinate. This street scene pleat skirt in particular I can see with a cute cardigan with a book-shaped bag and beret or a cute blouse.


In fact... MILK have a similar range at the moment, and that cardigan is a part of it! Aren't the envelope designs so cute! These are from MILK's stamp design range. Otome comes to the UK, thank you Oasis!